FIN deeply affected by King’s apologies FIN deeply affected by King’s apologies The Hague (March 10th 2020) – Federatie Indische Nederlanders (FIN, Federation of Dutch Indos) is unpleasantly surpized...Lees meer
Moll: “Where are the apologies from Indonesia?” Moll: “Where are the apologies from Indonesia?” AMSTERDAM (August 22th 2019) – We all think back to the 17th of August 1945 when Soekarno...Lees meer
FIN: “Results of Dutch East Indies-research one-sided” FIN: “Results of Dutch East Indies-research one-sided” THE HAGUE (February 17, 2022) – The results of the Indies-research project have just been presented. According...Lees meer
Historiography blunder at Pelita Historiography blunder at Pelita THE HAGUE (December 15, 2021) – The Pelita Foundation (Stichting Pelita) is under fire in The Netherlands...Lees meer
Moll: “Apology affects Indo-research” Moll: “Apology affects Indo-research” THE HAGUE (March 14th 2020) – King Willem-Alexander surprised friend and foe this week by making apologies...Lees meer